Stations, Museums, Oceans, Homes

12 June 2017 | 18:00 – 20:30

Location: New York City, New York

The Arts Arena International presents a four-part mini-series on four consecutive days in New York City, Spaces that Move People: Stations, Museums, Oceans, Homes.

June 12, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

The Yale Club
(directly across from Grand Central Terminal)
50 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York 10017

Conversation 1
Vishaan Chakrabarti, architect and author
Elizabeth Goldstein, President of the
Municipal Art Society of NY
Jill Lerner, architect, KPF

Conversation 2
Dr. Justin Davidson, Pulitzer Prize-winning
architecture and classical music critic,
New York magazine, author of the recently
published Magnetic City: A Walking
Companion to New York
Linda Johnson, President / CEO, Brooklyn
Public Library

Dr. Julia Trilling, introductions
Free of charge. Seating is limited.
Confirmed reservations are required:

June 13, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.

The Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York 10021
Dr. Stephen K. Scher, collector and art historian,
founder of the Stephen K. and Janie Woo Scher
Collection, will lead an exclusive tour of The Frick
Collection’s exhibition of a selection from the
initial gift of 450 Renaissance portrait medals
he has donated to the museum. The Scher
Collection is considered the world’s most
important private collection of such medals.

A glass of champagne in the office of The Frick
Collection’s director Dr. Ian Wardropper will follow
the visit.
This is a by-special-invitation event.

Dr. Scher and Dr. Wardropper are members of
the Arts Arena Advisory Council, and Dr. Scher
is a member of the Arts Arena Board.

June 14, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
The Consulate General of France
934 Fifth Avenue
New York 10021

David Rockefeller, Jr., philanthropist and marine
conservationist. He is the Founder and Chairman
of Sailors for the Sea, the world’s leading
conservation organization that engages, educates,
inspires, and activates the sailing and boating
community toward healing the ocean.

A reception with the speaker will follow
the program.

Free of charge. Seating is limited.
Confirmed reservations are required:

June 15, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

a private Park Avenue residence
New York 10021

Friends of the Arts Arena are invited for a private cocktail reception to meet
the Founder and Artistic Director of the Arts
Arena, the Arts Arena Board of Directors, and
members of the Arts Advisory Council.

This is a by-special-invitation event.