Kate Daudy is a British activist artist whose artworks are based on research and collaboration. She inscribed and embroidered a UNHCR tent with the words of refugees to share their message with people around the world. The piece, “Am I my Brother’s Keeper?” has since been exhibited at venues including St Paul’s Cathedral, London, Manchester Art Gallery, BIAS Palermo, and is currently touring cities in Spain, where it has been put on the national curriculum. As artist-in-resident at the Saatchi Gallery, London, she collaborated with Egyptologists at the University of Oxford to respond to the blockbuster exhibition, “Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh” with her critically acclaimed accompanying exhibition, “It Wasn’t That At All” (2019-2020). In collaboration with Nobel-prize winning scientist, Kostya Novoselov, she fuses disciplines including art, science, philosophy, and language to explore the dual universal concepts of chaos and harmony. Recently, Louis Vuitton named her a “Visionary” as part of their Louis 200 campaign that will see her specially-designed trunk travel the world before being auctioned in December 2022.
This event is presented in collaboration with Columbia’s Institute for Ideas and Imagination.
Photo: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London. Courtesy of the artist.